To Confess or Not to Confess

“He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”1

Of the two kinds of sinners in Jesus’ day, with whom did he prefer to mix?

The honest ones. They were the only ones he could help. As The Living Bible puts today’s text, “A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.”

Confession is also a fundamental way to healing—physical as well as emotional and spiritual. James said, “Confess your sins and faults to one another, and pray for each other so you will be healed.”2

As the medics tell us, many of our physical ills are either caused or greatly aggravated by unresolved inner problems as a result of impaired relationships, guilt, anger, resentment, bitterness, hurt, grief, worry, anxiety and other super-charged repressed negative emotions.

Very often these are the things that make us sick. Literally. Confessing them, getting them off our chest, and emptying out these feelings clears the way for the healing of many ills. So, in many ways some healing at least is a choice. To confess or not to confess? That’s the choice, as that’s an imperative way to healing of some ills.

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, give me the courage to confess all of my sins, failures, weaknesses, shortcomings and any super-charged repressed negative emotions, and wherever possible, put right every wrong that I have done. And help me to be a non-judgmental, non-preachy person to whom others feel safe to confess their sins and failures. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

P.S. When you decide to confess, make sure it is not only to God, but to a safe person. A safe person is another honest sinner who will not preach at you, put you down, make you feel guilty, give you unsolicited advice, or try to fix you. And, while not condoning what you have done, he/she will not condemn you, but accept you and love you for your honesty—the way God loves all sinners. He hates our sin because it hurts the ones he loves—us, but he loves the sinner unconditionally.

1. Proverbs 28:13 (NIV).

2. James 5:16.

Note: If you have never received Jesus as your Savior or received God’s forgiveness, I encourage you to do that today. To do so see “God’s Invitation” at: Or for further help read, “How to Be Sure You’re a Real Christian” at:


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