“In all things God works for the good of those who love [and trust] Him.”1
When things go wrong, as well as having a positive attitude, being realistic about our situation, and accepting what has happened, there are several additional helpful actions we need to take.
Fourth, express emotions. When things have gone wrong in my life, I’ve learned not to deny my feelings, so when I’m grieving, I cry. God not only gave us laughter to express our joy, but tears to express our hurt and sorrow. Crying has a healing effect. It soothes the soul. Plus, when I’m frustrated, I share my feelings with a friend. Or if I’m angry, I share my feelings with the person I’m angry at or I write them out and throw away the piece of paper.
Fifth, give thanks. I constantly make a point of giving thanks to God for the many good things in my life which far outnumber my few problems. I give thanks for these too knowing that God has a valuable lesson for me to learn. As God’s Word teaches, “Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”2
Sixth, trust God. I have learned to trust God—not always without doubt or confusion. I don’t always understand why bad things happen. However, one thing I do understand, while Satan and his forces of evil want to use my difficult times to try and destroy me, God wants to use them to strengthen me. The choice is mine.
The only times in my life when I have grown have been during difficult times. Who wants to change when everything is going well? Also, if there is any quality to my writing and other work, it has all come out of life’s struggles.
While I don’t believe in quick fixes or simplistic solutions to life’s complex problems, I do know that God teaches us many lessons through difficult and challenging times—if we let him. In spite of outward appearances, I also believe that “in all things God works for the good of those who love [and trust] him”1—even if it is eventually!
Can you accept your difficulties as opportunities to grow and ask God to show you what he wants you to learn through them? If so, your life will be greatly enriched, and you can become a happier, healthier person.
Suggested prayer: “Dear God, please help me to see that in all my circumstances when I commit and trust my life and way to You, all things do work together for good. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus’s name, amen.”
1. See Romans 8:28.
2. Ephesians 5:20 (NIV)