All posts by 5Q

Forgiveness, Part IV

When You Still Can’t Forgive

“Forgive my hidden faults.”1

Perhaps you or someone you know has gone through all the “forgiveness steps” we have written about over the past few days but still can’t find it in their heart to forgive someone who has hurt them deeply.

One reason for this is when we are overreacting. We do this when what someone has done to us triggers anger and hurt from past events that have never been resolved. Because of this, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to forgive someone for something that happened in the present when we haven’t forgiven someone else for what happened in the past.

For example, while this is perhaps an extreme case, James Townsend tells about Mildred McWhorter who “has worked for nearly thirty years with troubled families at a mission center surrounded by dilapidated houses in north Houston, Texas. She is known as ‘Miss Mac’ to folks in the area.

“Once she spotted eight-year-old Gilbert walking with his hands over his head. When asked why he was doing that, Gilbert replied, “I can’t tell you. My mama did it.”

“She found that large sections of skin under each arm had been rubbed away and blood was running down Gilbert’s side. Eventually Miss Mac learned that Gilbert’s mother had put a burlap sack over his head and arms. She had tied his arms over a clothesline where he hung for hours. If Gilbert cried, his mother would beat him with a broom or pull his hair out. She did this because Gilbert reminded her of her father.

“Miss Mac spent months working with this troubled family, which contained nine children. When family hurts and resentments go unresolved—as they apparently had between Gilbert’s mother and her father—they can be passed on to hurt the next generation.2

In working with hundreds of divorcees in recent years, I have observed that only a small percentage is willing to be ruthlessly honest with themselves to see and admit what they contributed to their failed marriage. Most want to blame their spouse entirely for the breakup. They simply don’t see or even want to see how much their over-reaction caused by unresolved relationships (especially with one or both of their parents) was a major contributing factor (or even the primary cause) of their failed relationships.

It is no wonder that the Bible “hammers home” the tremendous importance to forgive everybody who has ever hurt us—whether it was yesterday or on day one of our life. This is not an over-statement, for a child who was rejected from birth or hurt in childhood has deep pain that needs to be confronted and resolved through to forgiveness in order to fully live as an adult. It is a fact of life that hurt people hurt people. Thus every hurt needs to be healed and every “hurter” needs to be forgiven—not so much for their sake, but for the hurt one’s sake and that of their loved one.

End of series … remember forgiveness is a process, not a “quickie” event! It takes time to work through and resolve all these issues we have discussed over the past few days.

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, please help me to see if any feelings of hurt and anger I have are overreactions to past unresolved conflicts and, if so, please lead me to the help I need to resolve these issues. And then, please help me to forgive any and all who have ever hurt me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. Psalm 19:12 (NIV).

2. James Townsend, Peloubet’s Sunday School Notes 1993-1994, Elgin, Illinois: David C. Cook Publishing Co., 1990).


Forgiveness, Part III

Forgiveness: The Power to Set You Free

“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”1

Some time ago in an article in Time2 inspired by Pope John Paul’s forgiveness of his would-be assassin, Mehmet Ali Agca, journalist Lance Morrow wrote, “The psychological case for forgiveness is overwhelmingly persuasive. Not to forgive is to be imprisoned by the past, by old grievances that do not permit life to proceed with new business.

“Not to forgive is to yield oneself to another’s control. If one does not forgive, then one is controlled by the other’s initiatives and is locked into a sequence of act and response, of outrage and revenge, tit for tat, escalating always. The present is endlessly overwhelmed and devoured by the past.”

But to forgive is to be free from the past.

Jesus Christ pointed out another disturbing truth about an unforgiving spirit when he said “If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”3

I believe what Christ meant was that an unforgiving spirit on my part is a sure sign that I haven’t truly shown remorse to God for all my failures nor experienced fully his forgiveness.

Furthermore, an unforgiving attitude is destructive to personal relationships. It goes without saying that many close relationships, especially marriage relationships, are destroyed not so much by what has been done but by what hasn’t been done—forgiving one another.

Wherever I fail to forgive another, a wall of resentment builds up between us and eventually we become estranged. But once I forgive, feelings of love can be restored if that is appropriate. I say “if that is appropriate” because there are times, such as in cases of abuse or a lack of repentance, when forgiveness should not lead to restoration of the relationship.

To forgive another, however, is not to ignore justice. Pope John Paul forgave his would-be-assassin, but the man stayed in prison, and rightly so. And where we want others to forgive us, we will want to do all in our power to make a just restitution.

Even God’s forgiveness demanded justice in that he gave his only Son, Jesus Christ, to pay for the penalty for all our sins through his death on the cross, for death is both God’s judgment and the natural consequence of all sin. Thus the greatest forgiveness we can ever receive is that of God’s forgiveness, by confessing our sins to him and asking Jesus Christ to come into our heart and life as our personal Savior. To help you do this, read the article,
“How to Be Sure You’re a Real Christian” at:

To be continued … because forgiveness is a process, not an event!

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, please help me to become fully aware of the depth of your forgiveness of me so that I will be so much more willing and able to forgive all who have ever hurt me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. Colossians 3:13 (NIV).
2. Time, Jan. 9, 1984.
3. Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV).


Forgiveness, Part II

Forgiveness: The Power to Heal

“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”1

Some years ago during a visit to Yellowstone Park, one writer observed that the only animal that the grizzly bear would share his food with was a skunk. It wasn’t that the grizzly wanted to share his food but rather that he chose to. With one swing of his powerful paw he could have crushed the skunk. So why did he allow the skunk to eat with him?

Because he knew the high cost to getting even.

Clever bear!

Undoubtedly he learned the hard way. Strange that we humans often aren’t as smart. Sometimes we carry grudges for years, often repressing them from conscious memory, and end up hurting ourselves more than the ones we would like to get even with. We fail to see how damaging an unforgiving spirit is.

Physicians and counselors alike attest to the damage done by an unforgiving spirit. Some medical doctors estimate that the majority of illnesses they treat are related to emotional problems such as resentment, which is a lack of forgiveness. And counselors see the roots of bitterness reflected in depression, anxiety, and destroyed relationships.

I read one report of an astonished patient who was told by his doctor: “If you don’t cut out your resentments, I may have to cut out a part of your intestinal tract.”

Fortunately, the man took the doctor’s advice. He had been nursing a bitter grudge against a former business partner. He went to see this man, resolved their differences, and forgave him. When he returned to the doctor, his physical condition had cleared up.

That advice isn’t new of course. The greatest physician who ever lived, Jesus Christ, pointed out 2,000 years ago the importance of forgiveness. When he encouraged us to “forgive seventy-seven times,” he was thinking of our emotional and physical well-being as much as our spiritual. In his book, None of These Diseases, Dr. S. I. McMillen reported that a forgiving spirit could save us from “ulcerative colitis, toxic goiters, high blood pressure, and scores of other diseases” including ulcers, asthma, arthritis, neuro-dermatitis, and heart ailments—all possible effects of resentment.

To be continued … because forgiveness is a process, not an event!

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, if there is any unforgiving spirit in my heart, please confront me with this reality, and help me to resolve this so I am free to forgive others as you have so freely forgiven me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. Matthew 18:21-22 (NIV).


Forgiveness, Part I

When You Can’t Forgive and Forget

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”1

“I am having trouble forgiving someone,” writes a Daily Encounter reader. “It was a horrible thing this person did to me. She hasn’t apologized and acts as if everything is normal. I am filled with resentment and hatred. What this person did cannot be fixed. I want so bad to resolve my feelings, but don’t know what to do to get over what happened.”

Unfortunately, if we need an apology from those who hurt us to enable us to forgive them, we would be struggling because this often doesn’t happen.

To forgive such a person, we need to resolve our resentment and hatred—both of which are stored up hurt and anger. Once we resolve these feelings, the path is open for forgiveness. In fact, until we do this, it is impossible to forgive anyone as our resentment and hatred will keep popping up their ugly heads.

So how can you do this? You can, as it were, “write a letter” addressing the person who hurt you, but never ever send it. In this writing you need to express the depths of your feelings of hurt and anger right from your gut—this is what David did in several of the Psalms. You may need to do this a number of times until all your feelings of hurt and anger have dissipated. As long as these feelings are bottled up, they will control your response to the one who hurt you, and quite possibly affect all your close relationships. After each letter is written, read it over, share its contents with God and with a safe, non-judgmental, non-advice-giving, trusted friend or confidant, telling them exactly how you feel, and then destroy the letter.

Or you could go alone in your car to a private place and park where you are sure to be safe. Wind up the windows, (turn the radio on if it helps), and pretend the person who hurt you is with you. Then “talk to this person” and get off your chest everything you would like to say to him or her—expressing all your hurt and angry feelings. Do this say for a half hour, then go back and do this a number of times, spending less and less time each “visit,” until all your negative feelings are gone.

The Bible says not to let the sun go down while you are feeling angry. This is because unresolved anger that has turned into resentment is an emotional poison. This is why it needs to be resolved as quickly as possible. If you can’t resolve your anger alone, it will pay (wherever humanly possible) to see a capable counselor who can help you. If you don’t do this, future medical bills may be much higher than counseling costs.

As already suggested, be sure to express your feelings to God. He knows how you feel anyhow (and loves you regardless). Ask him to lead you to the help you need to resolve your hurt and anger so you will be able to truly forgive the one who hurt you.

Remember, unresolved anger is not only “poison” but also like an emotional cancer, and either you get the “cancer” or the “cancer” gets you. As another has said, “Failing to forgive is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”

To be continued … because forgiveness is a process, not an event!

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, please help me to always be honest with my feelings and learn to express them to you and to a safe and trusted friend. And where I can’t seem to resolve these feelings and am unable to forgive _______ (name the person), please lead me to the help I need to resolve any and all feelings of resentment, hurt, anger, hatred, and bitterness and be able to fully forgive this person, just as you have forgiven me for all my sins and failures. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. Ephesians 4:32 (NIV).



“King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you do believe.’ Then Agrippa said to Paul, ‘You almost persuade me to become a Christian.’”1

The author of an article in U.S. Catholic magazine tells of the time when he was not ready for the opportunity of a lifetime. Like many young men, he dreamed of playing baseball in the big leagues but never really thought the opportunity would come his way. Suddenly, it materialized as he was scanning the want ads for a summer job. The Toronto Blue Jays were having tryouts in his hometown. His baseball cleats were rusty and his pony league uniform was layered with dust, but he decided to go for it! Why not!

After arriving at the tryout site, his anxieties soared. “How long ya been practicing for this?” one hopeful asked another.” “‘Bout six months. Wished I started sooner,” he moaned.

Our would-be big leaguer had already struck out. He knew it and it was too late to do anything about it.2 He simply hadn’t prepared for his day of opportunity.

One of the things I learned in the Boy Scouts many years ago, something I’ve never forgotten, was their motto: “Be Prepared.”

Other mottos I’ve never forgotten are these: “It’s better to be trained and not called than to be called and not trained,” and “Opportunity comes to pass—not to pause!”

It’s extremely important that we prepare ahead of time for this life including the following: getting an adequate education to prepare for meaningful life work (and preparing for a second and even a third profession if necessary in our rapidly changing world) …as well as training for marriage … parenting … and for old age.

It’s even more important and critical that we prepare now for the hereafter. In Bible times King Agrippa had the opportunity of a lifetime when the Apostle Paul invited him to believe in and accept Jesus as his Savior. As far as we know he never did do this and he missed not only an opportunity for a lifetime but for all eternity. “He was an Almost Persuaded.”

Don’t be an “Almost Persuaded.” If you have never accepted Jesus as your Savior, be sure to do this today as this is a day of opportunity for you. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”3

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, please help me to see that life is full of opportunities—opportunities to serve you in a myriad of ways—opportunities to reach out and help others. Help me always to be ready and use these opportunities to glorify you. And above all, help me to be sure of my salvation and not end my life as an ‘almost persuaded.’ Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

NOTE: For help to be sure you are a real Christian click on:

1. Acts 26:27-28 (NKJV).

2. From

3. 2 Corinthians 6:2 (NKJV).



“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”1

Paul Harvey reports how “Snow Man was a nameless, gray-white gelding that Harry De Leyer picked up cheaply at a horse auction. The only other bid for the horse came from a glue factory.

“Harry trained Snow Man, and the horse served well at the girls’ school where Harry was the riding master. However, when the school closed for the summer, a neighbor made a generous offer for Snow Man, and Harry could not afford to refuse it. So Snow Man had a new home.

“Snow Man, however, liked his old home. Time and time again he jumped the neighbor’s high fences and returned to Harry. Finally, Harry bought his horse back.

“In that series of events, though, was a clue to Snow Man’s real greatness. Snow Man was a natural jumper, and the horse that once jumped fences to return to his loving previous master later jumped at Madison Square Garden for two national titles!”2

There’s nothing like loving attention and encouragement to bring out the best in all of us! We all need it. And we all need to give it! The word “encouragement” comes from “en” meaning “in” with the word courage. Thus, to encourage someone is to put courage into them—to help them to be and do their very best.

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, thank you for all the people who loved me, believed in me, and encouraged me to help me get to where I am today. Please help me to be a great encourager to all my friends and loved ones, to all the people you bring into my life, and to those whose path I cross. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

1. I Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV).
2. Paul Aurandt, Paul Harvey’s the Rest of the Story, Lynne Harvey, ed. (New York: Bantam Books, 1977), pp. 6-8.



“No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I

strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven.”1

It has been said that “success is the ability to embrace a worthwhile goal and employ all of your powers to achieve that goal.” An even better way to say this might be: “Success is the ability to discover God’s goal and purpose for your life and then, with God’s help, employ all of your powers to achieve that

goal.” I’m sure that this is the way the Apostle Paul lived his life after he committed it to Jesus Christ and became one of the most effective early Christian leaders.

For you and I to succeed in God’s eyes we don’t have to be an Apostle Paul or anybody else. We only need to

discover God’s goal and purpose for our life and stay committed to that through thick and thin. Fulfilling this purpose may not be easy. Even with God’s help it will take commitment, endurance, faith, and hard work. However, it gives us something to live for that is bigger than ourselves—and in the life to come the rewards will be eternal!

I like the words of the poet who wrote:

I would rather stumble a thousand times
attempting to reach a goal,
Than to sit in a crowd
In my weather-proof shroud,
A shriveled and self-satisfied soul.
I would rather be doing and daring
All of my error-filled days,
Than watching, and waiting, and dying,
Smug in my perfect ways.
I would rather wonder and blunder,
Stumbling blindly ahead,
Than for safety’s sake
Lest I make a mistake,
Be sure, be safe, be dead.
– Author Unknown

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, help me to lift my vision and see beyond the temporal to get a glimpse of eternity and live my life according to your values and in harmony

with your goal and purpose for me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

1. Philippians 3:13–14 (NLT).


Control Freaks

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.”1

Pastor Verne Arens writes how “he once knew someone who was a leader in the congregation. At one time or another he had filled most (if not all) of the important leadership positions in that church. More than that, however, oftentimes he was the one who would volunteer for those tough, dirty jobs that no one else wanted: washing dishes after a potluck supper, helping to teach the confirmation class, stacking shelves at the food bank.

“This is the kind of person you would like to clone and with whom you’d like to fill the congregation,right? Wrong! This person was a delight to have around until things didn’t go his way, and then he was a nightmare: disruptive, divisive, even destructive. He didn’t understand the meaning of community and was not a team player. And when (not for the first time) he and his wife climbed into their huff-mobile and drove away after some disagreement, the congregation finally had the good sense not to beg them to come back. Finally that congregation had learned to distinguish between the voice of a shepherd and the voice of a stranger.”2

Another description of this type of person is control freak. Sometimes, after a reasonable number of rebukes, the most loving thing we can do is to ask them to leave. As long as we keep giving in to them, we become a part of their sickness (terrible insecurity). It’s interesting to note that when they threw Jonah overboard, there was a great calm!

Suggested prayer, “Dear God, please grant that I will never be a control freak and thereby play the role of God in other peoples’ lives. If I ever am, please open my eyes to what I am doing and help me to change my ways. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. John 10:27, 5 (NKJV).
2. “(Good) Help Wanted,” by Rev. Verne Arens


The Door

“So Jesus said to them again, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.’”1

George Adam Smith, the 19th century biblical scholar, tells of traveling one day in the holy land and coming across a shepherd and his sheep. He fell into conversation with him and the man showed him the fold into which the sheep were led at night. It consisted of four walls, with a way in.

Smith asked him, “This is where they go at night?”

“Yes,” said the shepherd, “and when they are in there, they are perfectly safe.”

“But there is no door,” said Smith.

“I am the door,” said the shepherd.

He was not a Christian man and wasn’t speaking in the language of the New Testament. He was speaking from an Arab shepherd’s viewpoint.

Smith looked and him and asked, “What do you mean, ‘you are the door’?”

“When the light has gone,” said the shepherd, “and all the sheep are inside, I lie in that open space, and no sheep ever goes out but across my body, and no wolf comes in unless he crosses my body; I am the door.”

And that’s what Jesus is for all of his children, the sheep of his pasture.

Suggested prayer, “Dear God, thank you that we have the promise that Jesus is always with us no matter in what circumstances we find ourselves, and that he is the door to watch and guard over each one of his children—including me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. John 10:7 (NASB).


Three-Legged Stool

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.”1

n the grade school I attended as a kid growing up in Australia, there was a motto written over the door of every class room. Some were taken from the Bible such as, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”2

Also, every week students were required to attend the religious instruction class of their choice. One had to have a note from his or her parents NOT to attend. Keep in mind that Australians as a whole are not a religious people, but the secular authorities knew the importance of teaching a high standard of moral ethics. We were also taught that a vital part of character was being honest and keeping our word.

In today’s world here in America we have taken the Bible and prayer out of our schools. We are forbidding the use of God’s name and anything that is religious (especially Christian) to be displayed in public places, and have carried the separation of church and state to a ridiculous extreme in a nation that was built on a solid Judeo-Christian ethic with the inscription on our coins, “In God we trust.” The result? Moral ethics have become irrelevant or non-existent in far too many circles.

Hence such tragic events as the crisis and crash of the major Enron and other businesses.

Chuck Colson quotes theologian Michael Novak who argues that western liberal democracy is like a three-legged stool. One leg, political freedom; the second, economic freedom; the third, moral responsibility. Weaken any leg—the stool topples.

Colson continues, “Enron’s [and other business] collapses exposes a decayed third leg—moral responsibility. Now mind you, Enron’s leaders were the best and the brightest pillars of the community. Enron’s chairman, Kenneth Lay, boasted he hired only graduates of the top business schools.

“What Enron’s collapse exposes is the glaring failure of these business schools. Ethics, you see, historically rests on absolute truth, which our top schools have systematically assaulted for four decades. And business school graduates leave the schools, as I discovered when I lectured at Harvard Business School ten years ago, without a clue about ethics.”3

And how do we change our world? One person at a time who will stand for integrity, honesty, justice, and a high standard of morality and moral ethics.

Suggested prayer, “Dear God, in a day when moral standards and ethics have already collapsed, please change the world in which I live and let your work begin in me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. Proverbs 14:34 (NIV).
2. Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NIV)
3. BreakPoint with Chuck Colson, April 15,2002.
