“And then he [Jesus] told them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.’”1
If you’ve traveled much or little, or have seen movies shot in various parts of the world, inevitably you will see the Coca-Cola emblem just about anywhere you or the movie camera goes.
I’m not here to either praise or otherwise the benefits or otherwise of Coca-Cola but one thing I find fascinating about this company is that “at the end of World War II, Robert Woodruff, president of the Coca-Cola Company from 1923 to 1955, had a mission. ‘In my generation,’ he declared, ‘it is my desire that everyone in the world have a taste of Coca-Cola.’ With a vision and dedication rarely matched in corporate American culture, Woodruff and his colleagues spanned the globe with their soft drink.2
Would to God that we Christians would pull together and make it our goal in our generation to give everybody in the world a taste of the Water of Life!
One thing is certain, if you drink Coca-Cola or any other soft drink, you will thirst again. But as Jesus said, “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”3 What Jesus was referring to, of course, was the “water” of eternal life which his gift of salvation brings.
In today’s world with all its turmoil, terrorism, and threat of war, perhaps now, more than ever, people around the world are thirsting for the “Water of Life” that only Jesus can give. That’s our goal here in ACTS International; that is, to reach as many people as possible worldwide with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ while the doors of opportunity are so wide open. To see how you can have a vital part in this outreach, please consider joining the People Power for Jesus network. For more information go to: www.actsweb.org/people_power.
Suggested prayer: “Dear God, please give me a passion to help reach my generation with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Help me to be as Christ to every life I touch and help me to stand with others who are spreading the gospel around the world. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”
1. Mark 16:15 (NLT).
2. Dr. Gary Nicolosi.
3. John 4:14 (NIV).