All posts by 5Q

Fully Living—Fully Loving Part II

“So get rid of your feelings of hatred. Don’t just pretend to be good! Be done with dishonesty … deception, envy, and fraud. Long to grow up into the fullness of your salvation,”1

As I’ve often said, by the time I was five I had learned that “big men” don’t cry so I learned early in life to stuff and deny my emotions, and by the time I was thirty-five, I suffered from miserable hay fever, and had bursitis in both shoulders so that I couldn’t lift my arms above my shoulders without pain. Worse still, while I had plenty of friends, close relationships were non-existent. My marriage of 25 years turned out to be a disaster. Two repressed people living together do not make for a healthy relationship; in fact, they don’t have any kind of meaningful relationship. You live together alone apart; emotionally, that is.

Even though professionally I was doing okay, relationally I was at a loss. Furthermore, emotionally I constantly felt empty and had no idea what my problem was. I just knew I needed help. I had grown up with the belief that feelings weren’t important and couldn’t be trusted. In spite of this, I was so frustrated I got down on my knees and asked God to give me some feelings back anyhow. Whew, that prayer turned my world upside down and made praying for patience look like a Sunday school picnic. It took considerable pain to break through my cast-like defenses.

My recovery and emotional healing didn’t happen overnight, but the good news is that when I learned to break through my defenses and get in touch with my true emotions, and how to express them creatively, over time my life changed dramatically. Plus my physical wellbeing also improved dramatically.

Many of our physical ills can be symbolic. For instance, when I stuff my tears where do they go? For me they apparently expressed themselves in miserable hay fever which I suffered from for many years. I say this because when I was able to sob out years of painful hurt, I was healed of hay fever and have never suffered from it since. And when I learned to resolve years of buried hurt and anger, I was healed of the painful bursitis in my shoulders and have never had this pain recur. And when I was able to resolve lots of buried fear caused by painful hurts in the past, my interpersonal relationships improved out of sight.

In fact, I am physically healthier today than I was at half my age, and I am now in a very happy and fulfilling marriage. I feel that I am now well on the way to fully living and fully loving. My professional life happens to be very fulfilling also.

It may not sound refined, but the fact is that the feelings we stuff, stuff up our lives! Literally.

So you ask, how did you resolve all your personal issues? I wish I had a simple three-step program, but I don’t. I believe in miracles but not magic—miracles take a lot longer. There is no such thing as a quick fix. We take years to become what we are and don’t undo that overnight. However, the following are a few principles to help.

To be continued . . . .

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, as your Word instructs, please help me to: ‘get rid of my feelings of hatred [and all forms of unresolved anger]; stop pretending to be good outwardly, and be done with dishonesty, deception, envy, and fraud . . . and grow up into the fullness of my salvation.’ So help me God. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus name, amen.”

1. 1 Peter 2:1-2 (TLB)(NLT).


Fully Living—Fully Loving Part I

“Love one another.”1

There’s an old story about a school teacher who injured his back and had to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body. It fit under his shirt and was not noticeable.

On the first day of the term, still with the cast under his shirt, he found himself assigned to the toughest students in school. Walking confidently into the rowdy classroom, he opened the window as wide as possible and then busied himself with desk work. When a strong breeze made his tie flap, he took the desk stapler and stapled the tie to his chest.

He had no trouble with discipline that term!

Sometimes it would be nice if life were that simple; that is, if we could wear a plaster cast around our heart so our feelings wouldn’t ever get hurt!

Not so. Life isn’t that simple. The problem is that when we put a cast or wall around our hurt feelings, that same cast also blocks out our warm and loving feelings! We turn into zombies.

We happen to be feeling beings. Can you imagine what life would be like without emotions? As another has said, it would be like playing a trombone with a stuck slide; that is, deadly dull and boring. The truth is that when our emotions are repressed we are characteristically bored with life.

I’ve led seminars and taught classes on relationships and recovery for many years and the number one complaint I hear from women on both sides of the Pacific is a variation on the theme, “My husband doesn’t understand my feelings and doesn’t share his.” No wonder so many relationships fall apart at the seams. Without being in touch with one’s inner self (his/her emotions) there is no intimacy and no real closeness. Such couples live together alone apart—and their relationship dies a little every day.

Furthermore, when we hide and subsequently bury our feelings, we never bury them dead but very much alive. In so doing, in one way or another they come back to taunt us. What we fail to talk out creatively, we inevitably act out destructively in one way or another. We can act out buried negative feelings by lashing out in anger or hostility at others and those we love the most. We can withdraw and go into silence when we are hurt or angry, which is an equally “dirty way to fight.” We can go into depression, suffer from anxiety attacks, ruin our relationships, set ourselves up to fail, and/or become physically ill. As John Powell put it, “When we bury our emotions, our stomach keeps score.” How true this is.

Furthermore, when our negative emotions are blocked and buried, it is impossible to fully live and fully love as we are so instructed by Jesus.

To be continued. . . .

“Dear God, I know that you have commanded that we, your followers, are to love one another. Please help me to live in harmony with your Word, so that I will be able to truly fully live and fully love. So help me God. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus name, amen.”

1. John 13:34.


The Thing I Fear

“What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.”1

A Daily Encounter reader writes, “My new husband is in the military and recently left for his first deployment. I have been feeling very sad and mournful about his leaving. I felt like the Lord showed me that I feel abandoned. I know this is an irrational feeling, because I know he has been working so hard to get to this place for two years. He and I both feel like this is a calling on his life. I knew when I married him that he would be leaving for months at a time. But now that it is here, I can’t help but feel like his love for me is smaller than his love for his job. What steps should I take to deal with my abandonment issue?”

Dear Jane (not her real name), chances are your abandonment issue has little, if anything, to do with your husband being away. His absence has merely triggered unresolved issues from your past—in all probability (as you also implied) going back to your early relationship with your emotionally-uninvolved father and then reinforced by your former marriage. If this is true, you need effective counseling to help you resolve your “father wound.” If you don’t resolve this issue, you will be troubled by it in some way for the rest of your life. Furthermore, it is very important that you don’t project this feeling onto your husband, or the thing you fear you may unconsciously make to happen.

While your feelings of abandonment may seem to be irrational, they are actually logical in that they are authentic feelings based on your past experiences. This is why it is so important not to project these emotions onto your present situation and blame your husband for the way you feel. For those of us who have an abandonment issue, we need in-depth therapy to help us resolve our problem. It seems to me that if we have a “father wound,” we need to resolve this with a trusted male therapist and, if a “mother wound,” with a female therapist.

Unfortunately, there are no simple quick-fix answers. True, God can heal quickly, but more often than not he heals these wounds through healing relationships. That is, as we were damaged in damaging relationships, we are healed in healing relationships. The healing takes place over time as we are connected to a safe, loving, non-threatening counselor or very understanding friend who gets to know all about us and loves and accepts us just as we are—unconditionally and without strings attached. Little by little this experience reprograms our feelings to produce in us what counselors call “object constancy.” In other words we become secure in our love with our loved ones so that when we are separated from them, we no longer feel abandoned nor suffer from separation anxiety.

To start, tell God exactly how you feel and ask him to lead you to a safe counselor and to the help you need to overcome your abandonment issue. And don’t ever give up praying for and getting the help you need until your abandonment issue/father wound is healed. Until you are freed from this past issue, you will not be free to fully live and fully love.*

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, thank you that your love for me is totally unconditional and everlasting. Help me to feel secure in your love and get the help I need to feel secure in my human relationships knowing that I have ‘object constancy.’ Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

1. Job 3:25 (NIV).

*Note: For further help read “Healing a Man’s Father Wound” at: The same principles apply to the healing of a woman’s father wound.


A Religious War . . . Reminder

“Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist—he denies the Father and the Son.”1

A friend of ours recently returned from England where he received first-hand knowledge of M_ _lims active in the very place where he worked for many years. These M_ _lims were claiming that Judaism was dead, that Christianity was dead, and that now is the time for I_slam to become the dominant world religion and world power.

Certainly not all M_ _lims are radical, but many around the world are radical fundamentalists who not only hate Jews, Christians, Americans and other Westerners, but are determined to have us killed or made slaves to their religion. Be assured of this, Allah of the Isl_m faith and the K_ran is not the God of the Bible, nor is he the God of creation. To M_ _lims, Jesus Christ may be a prophet, but he is NOT God the Son who died for our sins, nor is he the Savior of the world. Note today’s Scripture verse and what God’s Word says about those who deny that Jesus is the Christ.

The war today against terrorism that is seeking to destroy Jews, Americans, Westerners and Christians is a religious war. We are not warring against a people or a nation as such, but against religious zealots whose goal, as taught by the Ko_ran, is to destroy all infidels. And who are the infidels? It’s everyone who is not a M_ _lims or a member of the M_ _lim or I_lamic faith. That includes me and many of our Daily Encounter readers. Some of our readers in various parts of the world are already in the crosshairs of radical, fundamental M_ _lims. And as 9/11 has shown us, we in the West are not as safe as we would like to think we are.

According to Michael S. Rose of, a well-known French actress “denounces the ‘Isl_macization’ of France and blames the degeneration of French society on her country’s liberal immigration laws. ‘For twenty years we have submitted to a dangerous and uncontrolled underground infiltration,’ she writes in her new book that became an instant bestseller in France when published. ‘Not only does [Is_am] fail to give way to our laws and customs. Quite the contrary, as time goes by it tries to impose its own law on us.’”2

Think of Spain, too, where the majority of people not so long ago voted out government leaders who were taking a stand against terrorism and voted in leaders who yielded to terrorists’ tactics. God forbid that we should ever surrender to religious terrorists’ tactics here in the U.S.

Tragically, however, here in America where Christian bashing is increasing at an alarming rate and where even using the word, God, in public places is being condemned by so many who claim to be leaders, who, at the same time, are appeasing M_ _lims, and claiming that Is_am is a religion of peace.

What is the answer against all forms of evil? We Christians need to awake and not only demonstrate our faith in our everyday lives, but also aggressively communicate the gospel in word and action across the nation and around the world. The average American church is spending 95% of its income on itself—preaching to the choir as it were. No wonder we Christians aren’t making an impact on our society, let alone the rest of the world.

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, open the eyes of every Christian at home and abroad so that we will see what the forces of evil are doing among us in today’s world. Please send a great spiritual awakening so that we will never yield to the beliefs and tactics of those who deny that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the Living God. And help us in our manner of living to demonstrate the love of God in everything we do, and be genuinely committed to help spread the gospel across the street and around the world. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. 1 John 2:18, 22 (NIV).

2. From J. Grant Swank, Jr. on

For a comparison grid between Christian and Islamic beliefs go to:


And Jesus Stood Still

“And Jesus stood still.”1

Down the long, dusty road on their way from Jericho to Jerusalem, almost two thousand years ago, trod Jesus with his motley band of twelve disciples, followed by a huge crowd.

They were all hot and sweaty. The dust clung to them. They were weary, but Jesus was at the height of his popularity, and the great crowd of people pressed close to him. They were jabbering endlessly. Asking questions. Seeking favors. They could be heard a mile away.

“Hey, what’s all the noise?” blind Bartimaeus asked his friend as they sat by the roadside begging.

“I don’t know,” answered his friend with a puzzled tone in his voice.

“Let’s ask someone,” they agreed.

“It’s Jesus,” a passerby informed them.

“You mean Jesus of Nazareth, the fellow they claim can heal the sick and the blind?” Bartimaeus excitedly asked.

“That’s the one,” the man said, “and I’m on my way to see him. Good-bye.”

The crowd came closer and closer. Excitement filled the air. The noise became intense.

“I can’t believe it,” shouted Bartimaeus to another friend. “This just has to be my lucky day. I’ve got to get to Jesus; I know he can heal me.”

“Hey, Bart, there he is,” cried Bartimaeus’s friend, “but how will you ever get his attention?”

Dignity was dismissed. “This is it,” said Bartimaeus, “I may never see Jesus again and I desperately want to be healed.”

So, seeking to drown out the noise of the crowd, Bartimaeus yelled at the top of his voice, “Jesus, have mercy on me! O Lord, son of David, have mercy on me!”

“Cool it, man! Shut up!” retorted some of the crowd. “You’re making too much noise. You don’t stand a chance of getting to Jesus, so just relax and quit your stupid yelling!”

But Bartimaeus was all the more determined to get to Jesus. He couldn’t see, but he could yell. He cried out all the louder. Hear his voice rise above the din of the crowd. It rings out like a great clarion call, “Jesus, O Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! Jesus, O Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

And Jesus stood still.

And the crowds stood still.

And a great calm settled down over them all.

The winds and the waves couldn’t stop Jesus. Neither could angry mobs. Crowds of people couldn’t stop him either. But a lone, blind beggar could—and did.

And Jesus with his great heart of compassion asked for Bartimaeus to be brought to him.

“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked.

“Lord,” Bartimaeus replied, “please give me my sight.” And Jesus did!

“Go your way,” he said, “your faith has made you whole.”2

Friend, what do you want Jesus to do for you? Are you as determined as Bartimaeus was? Am I?

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, have mercy on me a sinner. Hear the cry of my heart. Please save me from sinfulness. Heal my wounded spirit and fill my empty heart with your love, joy and peace. Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me too. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. Mark 10:49 (KJV).

2. Adapted from I Hate Witnessing by Dick Innes (Updated Edition), 155-157. On sale at:


People Power—A Mighty Force

Jesus Christ said, “You are to go into all the world and preach [communicate] the Good News [the gospel] to everyone, everywhere.”1

People Power is without question one of the most powerful means to accomplish any cause—either for good or evil. As Richard Halverson pointed out “People Power” is a mighty force.

People have the power to close down any operation—or prosper it! For example, pornography prevails because enough people want it, buy it, watch it, listen to it, and read it. It is extremely profitable because countless people prosper it!

People Power has also prospered the tobacco industry, the liquor industry, the movie industry, the gambling industry, the abortion industry and endless numbers of other products and causes—some of great value, some of little or no value whatsoever, and some that are destructive of individuals, families, and society.

The People Power principle could also work miracles for reaching millions of people around the world with the saving gospel message of Jesus Christ. As God’s people we have the power to prosper or hinder the reaching of people worldwide with the gospel. This is why we believe God has led ACTS to commence a people power for Jesus movement. To date 2,441 folk have made a commitment to God (not to me) to be a part of this movement.

I want to invite you to join this People Power for Jesus movement and see how you can help reach people for Christ in an extremely, simple yet attractive way. For more information and to join go to: And for helps in how to be involved go to:

If you truly care about helping to reach the lost for Jesus, being obedient to Christ’s command, and having a vital part in what God is doing in the world today, I urge you to prayerfully consider becoming a People Power for Jesus Partner today. With God’s blessing untold millions of people worldwide can be reached with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ through People Power.

“When many people each do a little, together we can accomplish great feats for God.”

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, because you gave your life to die for me, I surrender my heart and life to you in order to live always for you. Please use me to be ‘as Jesus’ to every life I touch and use me to help share the gospel in an attractive way with my family, friends and contacts. So help me God. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Please join People Power for Jesus today at:

1. Mark 16:15 (TLB) (NLT).


No Harsh North Winds

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”1

James White wrote, “I once heard of a legend [that] originated in a small town in Germany that for a number of years experienced poor harvests. The townspeople prayed at the beginning of a New Year saying, ‘God, our harvests have been so poor and so scarce, for one year will you let us plan everything?’

“God said, ‘All right, for one year.’

“They immediately set their plans for abundance into motion, and God complied with their every request. Whenever they asked for rain, God sent rain. Whenever they asked for sun, God sent sun. The corn had never grown higher, and the wheat had never been thicker. But when the harvest came, they discovered that the tall corn had no ears, and the thick wheat had no heads of grain.

“‘God, you have failed us!’ they cried out. ‘We asked for sun, and you sent sun. We asked for rain, and you sent rain. But there is no crop.’

“‘You never asked for the harsh north winds,’ answered God. ‘Without the harsh north winds, there is no pollination, and with no pollination, there is no crop.’”2

As Seneca said, “Gold is tried by fire, brave men by adversity.”

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, please help me to accept trials and hardships as discipline and opportunities to help me grow and become more fruitful, and more like Jesus in every way. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. Hebrews 12:11 (NIV).

2. Life Defining Moments by James Emery White, WaterBrook Press, 2001, pp. 106-107. Cited on


Resolution or Repetition

“The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.”1

For a long time we had a crazy bird that kept smashing into our kitchen window, obviously trying to reach its reflection. I kept trying to outsmart it, but it kept coming back for more of the same kind of treatment. I had the same thing happening at my last home.

I have also read how, “If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be a prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.

“A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.”2

Some, perhaps many, people are entrapped in hopeless situations because they are not looking for or seeing the way out of their predicament. I’ve been there myself in days past until I wised up. In my work I see people making the same mistakes over and over, failing to realize that what we don’t resolve, we are destined to repeat . . . repeat . . . repeat. As the saying goes, “If we keep doing what we’ve always done, we’ll keep getting what we always got, and we’ll keep feeling what we’ve always felt.”

The beginning point for finding the way out of any predicament is always to look up—to look to God and pray the right prayer. That is, ask God to show you the truth of what you are contributing to any negative situation you may be in, to show you what you need to do to resolve it, and to help you to find the help/counsel you need to overcome.

Today is the end of the year 2010. Resolve for the New Year to no longer allow your past to control you, but, with God’s help, commit yourself to becoming the person God has envisioned for you to be.

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, help me always to see what I am contributing to any adverse situation I happen to find myself in, and please give me the wisdom to seek wise counsel, and the good sense to do what I need to do to resolve my problem. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. Proverbs 12:15 (NIV).

2. From PLANETNEWS broadcast. Cited on


A Sermon Walking

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”1

In 1953 reporters gathered at a Chicago railway station waiting to meet the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize winner.

He was a big man, well over six feet tall, with bushy hair and a large mustache.

Reporters were excited to see him and expressed what an honor it was to meet him. Cameras were flashing, compliments were being expressed when, looking beyond the adulation, the visitor saw an elderly black woman struggling to carry her two large suitcases.

“Excuse me,” he said as he went to the aid of this woman. Picking up her cases, he escorted her to a bus and then apologized to the reporters for keeping them waiting.

The man was Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the famous missionary-doctor who had invested his life helping poor and sick people in Africa.

A member of the reception committee remarked to one of the reporters, “That’s the first time I ever saw a sermon walking.” The measure of any man or woman is not their name, nor their fame, nor what they say, but what they do.

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, please help me to be a doer of your Word and not just a hearer always in all ways. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. James 1:22 (NKJV).


Don’t Let Your Past Determine Your Future

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”1

In his book, Confidence, Alan Loy McGinnis talks about a famous study entitled, “Cradles of Eminence” written by Victor and Mildred Goertzel, in which the family background of 300 highly successful people were studied.

Many of the people in the study were well-known personalities including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Winston Churchill, Albert Schweitzer, and Gandhi. And Einstein—all of whom were brilliant in their field of expertise.

The results of this study are both surprising and very encouraging for those of us who came from a less than desirable family background and home life. For example:

“Three-quarters of the children were troubled by poverty, a broken home, or by rejecting, over-possessive or dominating parents.

“Seventy-four of the 85 writers of fiction or drama and 10 of the 20 poets came from homes where they saw tense psychological drama played out by their parents.

“Physical handicaps, such as blindness, deafness, or crippled limbs characterized over one-quarter of the sample.”

These people may have had more weaknesses and handicaps than many who had a healthy upbringing, but lacked confidence. What made the difference? Perhaps, realizing they had weaknesses, they compensated for these by excelling in other areas.

One man said, “What has influenced my life more than any other single thing has been my stammer. Had I not stammered, I probably would have gone to Cambridge as my brothers did, perhaps have become a tutor, and every now and then published a dreary book about French literature.” This man who stammered until his death was W. Somerset Maughan, “a world-renowned author of more than 20 books, 30 plays, and scores of essays and short stories.”

It’s not what we have or don’t have that matters in life, but what we do with what we have. God wants us to acknowledge past hurts and grow through them. In so doing, we don’t allow our past to determine our future.

Someone has wisely said, “It may be true that I have been a victim in the past, but if I remain one, I am now a willing volunteer.” No matter what our background was, when we trust our lives daily to God, and work through our past hurts to resolution, we can and do have hope for the future. It’s up to us what we do about the present. Once we have resolved our past hurts, we can say, as did the Apostle Paul, “One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”2

Suggested prayer: “Dear God, help me to realize, as an adult, that while I wasn’t responsible for my background, I am totally responsible for what I do about resolving all past hurts and for becoming, with your help, the person you have envisioned for me to be. Lead me always on the pathway of truth and responsibility. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

1. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV).

2. Philippians 3:13-14 (NKJV).
