Jesus said, “You are to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.”1
Many will have read about “layman Edward Kimball who gathered the nerve to witness and win the soul of a young shoe salesman named D.L. Moody to Christ. D.L. Moody went on to become one of the greatest evangelists in his day. But, do you know the rest of the story? D.L. Moody went to England and worked a profound change in the ministry of F.B. Meyer. F.B. Meyer, with his new evangelistic fervor, influenced J. Wilbur Chapman. Chapman helped in the ministry of converted baseball player Billy Sunday, who had a profound impact upon Mordacai Ham. And Mordacai Ham, holding a revival in North Carolina, led Billy Graham to Christ. And the man who started it all was a layman, Edward Kimball, who took seriously Christ’s commission to be a witness in his world.”2
And we all know the incredible way God has used Billy Graham to reach millions of people worldwide with the gospel.
You and I are not too likely to ever become a Billy Sunday or a Billy Graham, but every single one of us can be an “Edward Kimball” witness for Christ.
As the hymn writer so eloquently said, “When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus we’ll sing and shout the victory.” And how wonderful it will also be to meet the ones who are in heaven because of your and my witness for Jesus. Only heaven will reveal who these ones are.
Suggested prayer: “Dear God, I’m available for you to use; please use me today and every day to be an effective witness for you, and to be ‘as Jesus’ in some way to every life I touch. And grant that they, seeing Jesus in me, will want you for themselves. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”
1. Mark 16:15 (TLB)(NLT).
2. Submitted by Deward Hurst. Cited on the Sermon Fodder list. To subscribe please send an e-mail to
P.S. I happened to graduate from Moody Bible Institute, the school that D.L. Moody founded. Furthermore, several of the folk in Australia who have been involved in the ACTS ministry in Australia came to Christ during the Billy Graham Crusades in Australia. Furthermore, I am now doing the website for Dr. Jerry Beavan who was the architect of the Billy Graham international crusades. I first heard Dr. Beavan speak in Australia in 1958. His website is American News Commentary at: It is absolutely amazing what God can and will do through any one of us when we make ourselves available for him to use for his glory. And believe me I came from a very dysfunctional family background and never cease to thank and praise God for his saving, and using me.