Today in the US we celebrate Memorial Day. A special “Thank You” to all the men and women who serve in our Armed Forces who make it possible to live in a country where there is peace and freedom.
“When you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.”1
Melody Beattie in her book, The Language of Letting Go, emphasizes the importance of contemplating what is on your mind first thing when you wake up in the morning? What is it in that half-asleep, half-awake place? Are you troubled about something? Is there some responsibility you have neglected and is bothering you? Is it a project you’ve wanted to start but have kept putting it off? Is it an unhealthy relationship you are in and you know that you need to either resolve or end it? Is it a destructive habit or sin that you feel convicted about?
Whatever is on your mind at this time is coming from your inner self, your unconscious mind, or it may be from God’s Spirit. It may be revealing an issue you need to deal with, or a project you’ve been thinking about starting for months. Listen to that voice and do what you know you need to do about it. Don’t put it off. Take care of it each day.
It can help to keep a pad and pen at your bedside and each morning jot down the thing that is pressing on your mind when you first awaken. Sometimes the same issue may come to you in a dream.* It just may be a matter you need to pray about and act on.
Suggested prayer: “Dear God, thank you that you have given me a heart (an inner self) for insight and intuition as well as a head for thinking and knowing. Please help me use both in harmony with the leading of your Holy Spirit. And help me to search my heart and hear your Holy Spirit might be saying to me. Give me discernment to know what is valid, and the courage to act on that which is. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”
* Be sure to read tomorrow’s Daily Encounter about “Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language.”
1. Psalm 4:4 (NIV).